Dating back to before the birth of the Akuma, other living creatures lived in Yuki no Kuni. A variation of crows are gathered in a underground lava village underneath a small mountain located in the northeast of the planet. They're biologicaly advanced, adapting to the extreme weathers. Their feathers are as strong as iron and they're twice the size of an avarage human being. They eat very hot food, meaning they use the lava to heat up whatever they are going to eat that day.


A very advanced combat technique used by few Akuma is called “blood cycles.” By different means of achieving a transformation in ones blood cycle, one can dominate the power of such power that an item can contain. For example, the “Hidane seed” guarded by the Hien Crows will give you the FIRE BLOOD CYCLE.

In the middle of the Hien Crow village, a big fire tree 永炎樹 (Eienju) stands guarded by “Ravenna, the Inferno Crusader.” Ravenna has been around for thousands of years and has the Fire Blood Cycle dominated. Very few seeds exist and if one desires to get ahold of one, they must defeat Ravenna in a fiery battle.


Before the calamity that took place in Earth, many people and animals traveled through the galaxy in find of a new home. The Japanese had arrived in Yuki no Kuni with Mr.Hakai as the captain and started the birth of the Akuma, but the Americans had an expedition to the planet way before anyone the Japanese did.

A group of 20 Americans had a big expedition to find a new home as many others in Earth were doing the same. One of the passengers brought their pet crow with them because it helped them scout the area for potential leads. When the crew landed on the planet, the crow flew up in the air to scout the area. It was fastly attracted by a particular smell coming from the inside of one of the caves nearby. The crow flew right inside the cave and was found in a lava tunnel with extreme temperatures, but something kept getting the crows attention with its smell. 

The crow was named “Ravenna” since the owner never knew if it was a crow or a raven. At the end of the tunnel, the crow found a big fire tree with a hot seed in front of it, the smell came from there. Ravenna was a bit hesitant about this mysterious seed, but there was a mysterious big attraction making it want to bit right into the seed. Ravenna bit into it.

The insides of the crow exploded into fire making it's feathers hard as obsidian with the combination of the hot seed and the water it had inside of it's body. It's body kept expanding until its size became as big as two humans put together. The beak and claws grew stronger as it could now go through hard substances such as rocks and hard ice.

Ravenna had fully evolved into a new species, it was now a HIEN (FIRE CROW). The power of the seed made Ravenna so powerful it seeked destruction in a way to deal with the pain its body had just gone through. He flew back to the American crew as a way to ask for help, but its body made it seek destruction and attacked those who had taken care of him. None of those who were part of the expedition survived.

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