Yuki no Kuni introduction + The beginning of the Akuma (Part 1)


Yuki no Kuni is a planet in a solar system not too far from the Milky Way and Earth that consists of a snowy paradise. It has many rocky and icy mountains where civilizations have learned how to live in coldness throughout its planet history. In comparison, it is not very big being only 1/10th the size of Earth. The towns are mainly composed of traditional wooden houses with the Akuma and humans being the residents. The humans are not native to this planet, but they are in the mix as some were in the search of another home. The Akuma can have different variations in skin color (this will be explained in detail later on)


Below the vast mountain terrain, in the depths of Yuki no Kuni, there is a pond of water where it's said a new lifeform was once formed. This water is believed to be bright ice blue and contain the powers to heal any sickness one can have in exchange of your own sacrifice, but has not been found in a very long time. The color blue in the planet's nature has the most respect for its natives, making the blue Akuma the most noble and respected. There is also a big powder blue tree in the middle of the planet that provides food and shelter for many residents of the nearby town. This is the main town of Yuki no Kuni and it is called “Chie no Mura” meaning the “Town of Wisdom.”


Technology on this planet isn't as advanced since the lack of raw and natural materials makes it hard to make new inventions, but this hasn't stopped its residents from coming up with advancements to help their stay at their villages and planet. First we have to talk about the most common raw materials. Most inventions are made of the “midori stone” and the “orenji stone.” The midori stone is a green metallic stone that has natural purification elements. The orenji stone is also a metallic stone that has a warmth to its natural state. It is estimated it’s natural temperature is around 38°C but can be warmed up to higher temperatures.


The first big creation was the “seisuki,” making snow into purified water. It's a metallic piece that you connect to the ground similar to the size of a fire hydrant. It sucks in the snow from its many holes from the outside and turns it into water for everyday use. Thanks to the natural purification of the midori, it allows people to have showers and sinks in their home. The purified water is all stored inside a bigger building and it is transported to the houses with the use of natural orenji pipes that makes the water warm. Most houses also have orenji beams installed underneath their house for natural warmth.


The Akuma are the only native residents besides animals, insects and plants that reside in Yuki no Kuni. They have a long history and have come a long way from when they started. Their life span is much longer than humans going all the way to 300 years. They wear traditional Japanese clothes and their main choice of weapon are katanas, but have also been seen with battle axes or other close range weapons. As mentioned before, the blue Akumas are the most respected because of their rich history of high combat skills and ability to connect their planet. 


There are only four colors an Akuma can have: Blue Akuma are calmer and transmit sensations of stability and security over its people; white Akuma are pure, humble and can feel connection with the dead; black Akuma are very formal and represent the bad luck and evilness in the world; yellow Akuma are more connected to the nature and planet; and lastly red Akuma are strong, very happy and will sacrifice themselves for others. There is only one blue Akuma remaining after the War of the Millennia occurred.


The planet is in constant snowfall with a rich mountain landscape. Throughout its history, plants and animals have also adapted to the nature it had been presented. There are lots of trees that are used for its wood to make homes, furniture, weapons and more. Most plants are used for medication treatment while others have been discovered to be poisonous and not safe for anyone. The most common animals around are a variant of wooly mammoths. They are white and disguise themselves in nature with ease. A way to spot them out is by looking at their big tusks which are colored black.


It all started with the 8th expedition of a Japanese crew ship trying to find a new home in a nearby solar system. They had landed on other planets in their previous expeditions but were unsuccessful in their mission. The crew consisted of a team of 9 with its captain, Mr. Hakai. While landing they were the most hopeful they had been so far. This could be the place they could call home. They landed near a cave where they could gather materials from the planet and decided to separate in pairs to get more work done. Mr. Hakai was the only one without a partner and decided to adventure into the cave while the others gathered flowers and other useful resources that could be useful in their research. Mr. Hakai gathered strange minerals but found himself adventuring more and more into this cave. With his flashlight, he was able to get to the depths after an hour of investigation. He was met by a beautiful pond of bright ice blue color with a natural light that filled the room with shine.


Mr. Hakai took a sample of this water in his bottled container and headed back to the ship to get back with his crew, but as he was getting ready he realized the entrance where he got in had disappeared. He turned around again and was faced with a message written on the floor between him and the pond that said “There is no way out, but to face your own self. Everything in life comes with a sacrifice and today you will have to face it.” Mr Hakai felt a physical need to get inside this bright water and tried to resist himself from doing so, but after a couple minutes of back and forth, he found himself inside the body of water. He submerged himself and felt a change in his body and most importantly in his soul. He popped his head back out of the water and saw his surroundings much different. His skin had changed blue and it seemed like he grew some sort of horns in his head. His ears seemed to have grown as well, but instead of feeling panicked, he remained calm and collected in his thoughts.


The pathway where he initially entered was once again open, so he decided to go back to his crew to tell them all about what just happened. He made his way out and saw at a distance his crew (it appeared his vision had also increased). Mr. Hakai started to get closer to them, but was faced with faces of terror. The crew never considered that the figure approaching them could be their captain, it was most likely what caused the disappearance of him. They all decided to get back on the ship and call it a mission. They all sat down and got ready to leave, but the ship seemed to not work. The figure that approached them was now entering the ship and was getting close to them. The new Mr. Hakai was holding a small piece of the engine in his hand and decided to not get too close to to not startle his crew anymore. “I am your captain, seek no fear. Allow me to explain what has happened and open your mind to the beauty of this planet.” 


After a careful and detailed explanation, the crew was split into believing him or not. “If you don’t believe me, I understand. I have some more water saved up in this bottle and my visions said four of you will have to drink it. You will see the world as I do and will understand why we have to stay on this planet. If we don’t, something terrible will happen to us, this planet and much more you could not even imagine. Four of them had to drink it and the other four would not. It was pretty clear who would not drink it since there were two couples that did have kids on their way. The other four were hesitant but all had a similar physical urge Mr. Hakai had before he got in the mysterious pond. 


The four chosen members split the water and took it at the same time. They all underwent the transformation and had their mind open to the dangers and responsibilities that were awaiting them. Once their eyes opened, they saw each other and noticed how each one had a different color. Red, white, black and yellow. One of the couples that was watching them transform murmured “akuma…” (meaning devils in their home tongue). Mr. Hakai actually liked the name and decided that from that point on, they would be referenced by that name, Akuma. The blue Akuma gave the other Akuma a different responsibility to take care of in this planet they would soon call Yuki no Kuni (land of snow).


This is far from over, more to the Yuki no Kuni, Akuma and BLVE’S WORLD storylines will come soon! Make sure you leave a comment if you enjoyed it and want to take a guess on what will happen next! More info will be available in my social media and here, on this page.

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